Saturday, July 11, 2015

Once again, I found myself returning to the blog after a long break.  I have been so busy juggling grad school, work and artwork.  But today the Bee Hive piece will be on full display at the Rocky Neck Cultural Center in Gloucester, Massachusetts! It should be a fun trip out to this seaport with family and friends.

I have also been working on this piece

"Somewhere in Between" definitely does not feel finished yet, but I am still mulling over what it needs.
More to come soon! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

New Chapters

So while I've been on my hiatus, I have still been working as a coordinator of an after school program and applying to graduate school as an art therapist. I feel that my love for art and people will compliment the degree as well as provide me with different ways that I can express myself. The requirements asked me to pursue art in different medias so I have began painting again.  I feel that the above piece made on wood is more successful than the one below.  I was really stiff when painting but have begun to have more fluidity with this media. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

Color Sketches of "Thinking of You"

While I am still working on the self-portrait, I am also working on this moonlight piece.  I would put this piece in the same theme as "Lady of the Night,"which i have decided to make a series.   These pieces are inspired by the woman in the figure drawing classes I every so often attend. It is about the emotions that nighttime brings and the mystical feelings that the stars and a full moon can stir up. At night, we are in a dream state and anything is possible.  Although we may not  be sleeping our actions reflect that.  We're less conservative. Under the darkness of the sky our inhibitions slip from our restrain.   

Sunday, November 25, 2012


This is one of the next pieces that I am working on.  I figured I'd make this to generate more work.  My new position as a coordinatoor at an afterschool can be stressful and I find myself exhausted after work and doing less of my own artwork, so I'm trying to get back on track. The finish will be in cut paper.  The real glory of the piece is the headwrap.  The pattern on it will have more details of the many hair styles i have gotten throughout the years.  It is funny how much someone's hair can define them.  I feel as if my attitude and clothing style changed with each different style.  I also feel like it says a lot about me that throughout all the hairstyles never once have I let it just be a natural fro.  With all the hot combs and chemicals i put in my hair, it is kind of like I am fighting nature.  With this piece I question my perception of beauty and why I find the need to alter myself.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Lady of the Night Finished

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.  it's been a while since I have updated my blog and I thought that I would first share with you the finished product of "Lady of the Night"  This is my first piece in the series of figure models that I have manipulated and portrayed in different scenes.  I feel that this piece is really successful.  My goal was to portray not only people but a more of a nighttime scene.  I entered this piece in my local Quincy Art Festival and another local artist decided to buy it.  Hooray for me.  This just tells me that although I worked on and off  it for a long time, it was completed just when it was suppose to be. 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Lady of the Night in progress

Hello people! It's been a long time since I last posted.  I admit I have been slacking in the creativity production.  But now that I have adapted to my summer schedule of being an art teacher at a camp and an intern on the weekends, I finally found the time to do some art work.  On Tuesdays there are models that do long poses for artists to draw.  I have been taking that class and was trying to find a way to translate my sketches into the style of art that I like.  ofcourse I exaggerated the form to make it less structured.  I also am trying to push my color palette.  All I  have to do now is glue the piece together.  I am also working on a very loose self portrait soon to come!! 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy St. patrick's Dayy

I think any successful art project happens when you start of f simple and let the children branch out from there.  This project was made mostly for k-first grade, but when checking out the sample pieces, many of the fourth graders wanted to do the project too.  Side note, anything that glitters and shines is a hit with children.